Paing kowos kewa. Ke LiveCast se lasr inge, kut e akfasrye akkuteyac nuke mwe nunak nuke Sanri uh. Sifac sacn pa, “Kasruh Tuhpanyuck.” Mwe Read kasreacng oasr ke Psalm 130 an. Mwe nunak se inge oasr ip luo kac:
I. Fwakak Enenu Nusin Leum God (vv.1-6)
II. Top Lun God Nusin Israel (vv. 7-8)
A. Out of the Depths
B. Lesson Context
I. Address to the Lord (Psalm 130:1–6)
A. God Listens (vv. 1–2)
B. God Forgives (vv. 3–4)
Records of Wrongdoing
C. Waiting for God (vv. 5–6)
II. Address to Israel (Psalm 130:7–8)
A. Hope in God (v. 7)
B. Receive Redemption (v. 8)
The Bridge to Nowhere
A. The Power of Waiting
B. Prayer
C. Thought to Remember
Mark W. Hamilton, Jon Miller, and Andrew Wood, “Expectant Watchfulness,” in The NIV Standard Lesson Commentary, 2023–2024, ed. Jane Ann Kenney, Ronald L. Nickelson, and Taylor Z. Stamps, vol. 30, The NIV Standard Lesson Commentary (Colorado Springs, CO: Standard Publishing, 2024), 410.