Reflecting on a Joyous Weekend with the Palik & Sacto Church Family

This past weekend marked a memorable chapter in our journey at Kahs In Kol, Inc., as Elijah Palik graciously invited us to partake in his Jubilee (50th) birthday celebration in the heart of Rancho Cordova, California. The significance of this event extended beyond mere festivity; it provided a sacred platform to illuminate the teachings of God’s Word within the Kosraean Church community.

The festivities commenced with a spirited softball tournament on the picturesque Saturday of July 27, 2024. It was a day filled with camaraderie and friendly competition, where core members of our organization united in purpose to carry out our mission amidst the cheers and sportsmanship.

The following day unfolded with profound moments of spiritual enrichment. Lipan Welly’s arrival in Ontario, California, on Friday, July 26, 2024, set the stage for our journey toward Rancho Cordova. Upon our arrival, Dcn warmly welcomed us. Driskell Jack and his esteemed wife, Deaconess Tanya, graciously guided their sons through the tournament proceedings.

As the final innings concluded and the evening enveloped us, the jubilant celebrations commenced, courtesy of the Palik family’s gracious hospitality. The gathering saw familiar faces congregating in joyous unity, partaking in a feast of diverse island delicacies that resonated with the essence of shared heritage and community bond.

On the spiritual forefront, Sunday dawned with a tapestry of insightful teachings and reflections. I was privileged to deliver a message on Faith In Christ, drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom encapsulated in Galatians 2:20. Concurrently, Dcn. Driskell adeptly navigated through the nuances of Psalms 130 during Sunday School, while Lipan Welly delved into an illuminative exposition of the same passage.

The day culminated with the aromatic allure of Kosraean Sunday soup, a cherished tradition symbolizing communal nourishment and spiritual communion. The echoes of shared prayers and shared meals reverberated through the evening, underscoring the sacred bond that transcends mere words.

As we reflect on this enriching weekend imbued with fellowship, sportsmanship, and spiritual nourishment, we are reminded of the profound blessings that emanate from the seamless interplay of faith, community, and celebration. Our hearts and minds are filled with gratitude for the Palik family’s gracious invitation and the enduring bonds forged in the embrace of shared experiences.

Stay tuned to our Kahs In Kol, Inc. platform for more reflections, updates, and inspirations as we continue our collective journey of faith and service.


Kahs In Kol, Inc. – Empowering Communities Through Faith and Fellowship